My Poetry

I have self-graded my poetry using a 3-star system. 1 star means I think it is… well, pretty shit, to be blunt about it. 2 stars I think it is okay to share for people to read, but not really good enough to try and get published. 3 stars are the ones I think are great!

Everything you read on this website is my 2-star work.

What about the rest, you may well ask? Well, I have an A5 notebook that I call “The Shit Book”. (Yup, really, ha ha ha! Keeping it real!) All my 1-star poems are printed and pasted into there. When I die, maybe a family member might want to keep them just because they are part of me. Probably not, but there you go. That’s where they all live - in the Shit Book.

As for the 3-star poems. I love them. I want to share them with you here. But if I do, it means I can’t submit them to try and get them published. Maybe, in time, I might put them here too, but for now, they are being hoarded. (I am such a dragon at heart!)

I do hope you enjoy what you find, and come back and read more when they get posted!