
A ghostly figure emerges from the shadows in Uprising, a haunting monochrome ghost photo blending history and the supernatural. Her ethereal dress drifts through an ancient gravestone, dissolving into the past as she rises before the weathered stone walls of a Welsh castle.

This ghostly artwork is a fusion of photography and digital artistry. The castle, steeped in history, was photographed in Wales, while the gravestone was captured locally, adding an authentic touch to this eerie scene. The flowing dress was photographed separately at a third location, enhancing the spectral movement. The ghost’s face, carefully crafted in Photoshop, adds to the unsettling mystery of this paranormal vision.

Perfect for lovers of haunted art, gothic décor, and ghost photography, Uprising captures the thin veil between the living and the dead. It makes a great addition to my fantasy gallery.

This image is available in my shop.