Midjourney AI

Image: Wolf Lord by Midjourney AI

AI art is the new in thing, and it is the new thing in controversy as well

There is a question on who is the artist. If the art is a feat of creation by an AI, are they the artist? Or is the artist the person who dreams up the idea, trrawls for the right keywords, selects what is to be enhanced etc.

Is the Ai equivalent to an artist if a cusomer were to go to the artist and say I want an artwork that encompasses these things etc? Or is the AI equivalent to a camera, or photoshop, or any digital tool for creating artworks with?

Is the fact that AI artworks have a similar look and feel to them so that you can usually pick them out as AI a reason for these to be considered formulaic, or is it the same as saying an artist has their own specific style, and so does the AI.

I think this also has the danger of leading to the question of when is the AI actually intelligent, and when is it just being a machine that is capable of working with far more computing power than we are.

To me, for the art, it is just another category of art, and should have its own genre. For now. For me, the big question arrives when the AI gains sentience (if that were possible - who knows - another topic altogether). But imagine now if you will, an AI image gets sold for let’s say a million pounds. Let’s say, the AI becomes sentient in the future and says, hey, you stole my work, you owe me…

For me, I am not so worried about wherther the pictures prodiced count as art. I am more concerned with the AI, and the sudden visibility of AI interfaces, and how intelligent they have become. Logically speaking, AI induced doomsday scanrios are improbable flights of science fiction. But there are too many examples of science fiction becoming reality for me to not have that tiny niggling little concern huddling in the fearful corner of my mind.

What I can say, with 100% certainty, is that the AI can produce far better work than I can!

Catherine Knee Wolf Lord painting and the Midjourney Bot version of it

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