It is only an insult if you think it is a bad thing.

Photograph of Catherine Knee

Photo credit: Andrew Kirkby

I was talking to someone and I said something about being fat. They said, “Don’t put yourself down like that!'“ They thought they were being supportive in encouraging me to be positive. In actual fact, I was shocked. I stopped mid sentence and looked at them, blinked my eyes a couple of times and tried to process what they had said.

After a few moments, I said, “I wasn’t putting myself down. I actually am fat. The only reason you think I am putting myself down is because you think being fat is a bad thing!”

This is so people. Remember it always.

I am fat. Me saying I am fat is not putting myself down. It is describing myself. In fact, I am quite pretty, just fat. Fat does not equal ugly or bad or a put down!

People have this idea of what you should, or shouldn’t be. They judge you by that, and comments they make can show you what they think is a bad thing. That doesn’t mean for one minute that you have to agree with them or be hurt by what they have said.

You decide is something is a bad thing. Don’t have a knee-jerk wounded reaction to things people say, based on socially imposed pre-conceptions of what is acceptable or not. It is about you, so what you think is what counts!

YOU decide if it is a bad thing or not.


If you could go back in time, and speak to your younger self, what one piece of advice would you give yourself?


There is No Sun.